Experience: 15 years
Expertise: Vedic Astrology, Lal kitab and grah shanti
About Astrologer: We will assist you regarding any of your problems in marriage,love,grah dosh,Pitra Dosh, Gruh Kalesh, Manglik Dosh through effective and quick puja. Our Panditji is expert and having experience in Karmakand Puja path from last 15 years and will solve your problems on immediate basis. So why to wait here is all of your solutions at one place.
Man can make his destiny to a large extent within the orbit of his pre-ordained karma. A hard- working astrologer can see it, predict it, guide it. I use various tools of Parashara system which includes divisional charts to evaluate and conclude the event. I use Lal-Kitab and it’s Varshphal for remedial measures along with Vedic remedies. I am here to help & guide clients to identify their potentials & options and to time the events.